Thank you for visiting the official Hamblen Music Company site. We've got some great things for you to view and check out! For example...


Look here for Stuart Hamblen’s biography, song list, photos, filmography, as well as great and interesting facts about Stuart (including his run for President of the Untied States). We will be adding new items to this area as well (Look for “Stories” to come next!)

Song List

Check here for a list of songs in our catalog. You’ll find great classics likeĀ This Ole House, Until Then, How Big is God, and many, many more!

Available Music

Available CDs, cassettes, albums, sheet music, choral books, SATB and TTBB books… here’s a list of things you can own of Stuart’s music.

Pokolodie Posts +

Latest News! This area covers several things, including artist releases of our music on their CDs, as well as the latest posts and happenings from Pokolodie ranch.